Returns Policies

The policy

You can return any item that is not on sale (and most that are on sale) within 20 days of purchase if the item:

  • Is unused
  • Has the original tags still attached
  • Is in the original packaging (which must be in the original condition)

Some of our suppliers do not accept returns on items which are on sale. Don't worry though, we will alert you before we let you hand over your hard earned cash if this is the case. As for the cost of returns, most items will cost you nothing to return, however some suppliers will not front the return fee. Again, we will warn you if any items in your cart don't come with the return shipping included!

How do I return

First you will need a shovel, a coconut, and a 3 by 3m chunk of an old old wooden ship... Ok you don't actually need those things but it would so cool if you did. All you actually need to do is send us an email with your name and the item number. We will send you an reply with the return label. Print off the label and stick it on the items packaging or a similar satchel. Then drop it off at your Post Office, or a red post box and you're done!